Article tagué Arma2
Mise à jour de la map Yapal
Auteur: Clan ADO
Site web:
Exige: Arma 2 et Operation Arrowhead
Le clan ADO à sortie cette nuit une mise à jour de leur petite map Yapal. De taille modeste (5 km x5 km) avec une ville au milieu et tout un tas d’installations industrielles le long d’une voie férrée Est/Ouest, des bases militaires au Nord et au Sud et 4 villages dans les « coins ».
Ce terrain a été construite après une bataille épique sur Shapur parce que j’étais un peu frustré par le vide du terrain autour.
Après avoir été laissé de côté et avoir surtout servi de terrain de test pour d’autres projets, ce terrain est publié en l’état parceque je pense qu’il peut servir de base à quelques bonnes batailles en PvP
- Yapal from the East – – Mine –
Changlog V1
Modification du placement et de la pente des route
Modification de certain mur
Modification du tracé des pipelines
Suppression de certains murs et buissons mal positionnés
Rajout du bout de la route manquante
Ajout d’une intro
Des nouvelles de Project Reality
Auteur: The Project Reality Team
Site web:
C’est ce matin que les Dev du mod Project Reality font un point sur l’avancement de leur projet pour Arma 2, c’est
The last few months within PR:ArmA2 have been a little slow going in terms of having something physical to show the community. For one, we have stumbled upon a few problems, and have also started shifting the team’s efforts towards the intricate coding and gameplay work. The updates may have slowed down, but you can be assured the work has not!
– British Mastiff 2
The PR Mastiff has had some work done over the last month and is now very close to importing into Project Reality. It’s still to be decided what the initial load out will be, but either way it will be a great sight on the battlefield, and a realistic addition for the British Faction.
British Jackal MWMIK
The SupaCat Jackal 2 is now finished, and like the Panther, is at the import stage. The Jackal will be a regular on the PR battlefield and will no doubt prove its worth for the British. We even have a woodland version should we require it in the future.
British Army Base Soldier
One of our main problems recently, but we are now starting to get there. The initial model we had was causing the test server to lag badly, and had some serious LOD and Topology issues. We therefore took the decision to work on the Sample ArmA MLOD, and start from scratch.
A new helmet, daysacks, body armour and webbing have been modeled, and we are also working on different uniform variants to add realistic differences to the soldiers. This decision has set us back a bit, but it is something we have to get right. We still have variants of this model to create, however the end result will be worthwhile. We’ll be providing some media in due course.
British Army Base Soldier
Main Menu
The main goal of Project Reality is to deliver the best gaming experience possible. We realise your experience is not just about the gameplay itself; it starts before that. That’s why you can look forward to a brand new main menu, designed to fit the Project Reality theme and to look modern, and of course to be as easy and pleasant to use. With that in mind, here’s what we have so far.
PR Sounds
The next vehicle to get the PR Team’s sound overhaul is the mighty Challenger 2. The video speaks ‘volumes’, and shows how this beast sounds ingame:
Other Ongoing work
Of course there are a lot of other things going on, including:
Wardak Map – Work continues on our Wardak map as always, and we now have an environmental designer on the team who has produced some great work already. In total, we now have 3 developers working on the map. This will also assist in the PR Objects Pack we are putting together.
UK C130 Hercules – We’re currently working on a retexture, ready to resupply the British Forces.
Bandages – Will be applied to soldiers when they are healed, giving a visual representation that they are injured and have been attended to.
Remote Video Camera’s / CCTV – Something we are looking into a little further now will be the ability to place remote cameras and have live video feeds. These will come in 3 versions and at present this is a proof of concept. We are also looking at a version being available for the Taliban, to counter the sheer power of the British Faction. More to follow on this in future updates as we develop this further.
Bridgelayer – This is probably around 50% complete, and will become a fully player controlled deployable and working bridgelayer. Again very WIP at present, and still a proof of concept at this stage.
Caves and Tunnel Systems – These will be used by the Taliban on some of our maps in the future, especially for the Counter Insurgencey mode. Tunnels and caves will not make the first release, but they are being worked on and will prove invaluable in the future.
British Panther – We have now imported our Panther into the ArmA2 engine, and need to code a few more areas so its ready to go. So far so good and we expect it to be released for testing soon.
Project Reality – Social Networking
Project Reality takes great pride in keeping in touch with our large community, so whether you are on the move, have limited PC access or just want to find out that little bit more then feel free to join us on our Facebook page or follow us on Twitter.
Become a PR Developer or Contributor
The Project Reality Team are still recruiting talent, even more so than ever ! If you would like to be a part of an established development team, with some experienced developers and many more contributors, or you have a skillset within ArmA2 and would like to help out, please don’t hesitate to contact any of the team, or email [EMAIL=""][R-DEV]UK_Force[/EMAIL]. Whatever your skill, let us know. We are always recruiting. Our main area at present is for Importers to assist in the backlog of PR Models we need to bring into the game.
So thats it for now. We still have a lot of work to do, and a lot of this is coding. In our next update we hope to be able to provide a detailed changelog of what you can expect in PR:ArmA2 V0.1, as a lot of things in the updates will clearly not make the initial release. Thanks once again for showing interest in our Highlights Reel and supporting Project Reality as a community. Until the next time…..
The Project Reality Team
Mando Missile
![Mando Missile](
Auteur: Mandoble
Site web: OFPEC
Exige: Arma 2 ou Operation Arrowhead
La version 2.4Beta9.5 de Mando Missile vient de sortir. Le manuel en ligne est ici (Anglais)
Changes in v2.4b9.5
* A10 setup fixed (broken in 2.4b9.4)
* Systems added for:
o ANZAC mod (thanks to Andrew)
o Pedagne mod (thanks to Jay)
o Swedish Forces Pack (thanks to Jay)
o Antonov225,il76,Ka60_GL_PMC,OWG_MI26,ou_ch_53d,ou_ ch_46e (thanks to Jay)
o Battle Star Galactica fighters and transports
o Mig15s
o ACE2 A10s and Su34s
o RKSL EF2000
* GMRLS and MRLS-SAM systems added for MLRS (optinal)
* Dragon and NLAW systems (thanks to Xeno426)
* Nuclear AGM86 and AGM84 systems for Gnat’s B52
* Harpoon systems for Gnat’s B52
* BAF Lynx full setup
* Laser transmission fixed for units using laser designators different than the default BIS one (Kiowas, Lynx, …)
* BIS Flares removed automatically
* IRak F14 GBU12 fixed
* MCC Patriot improved to intercept new SCUDs
* New Fallout console to track down fallout areas and radiation levels
* Fallout aeras improved and ability to control fallout times (thanks to E.Echo)
* SCUD console allowing to choose between air burst/ground burst
* SCUD nuclear warhead types 4 and 5 for ground burst and air burst MIRVs
* New mma_b52_test.Takistan test mission (Gnat’s B52 addon required)
* New mma_test_mlrs_addon.Chernarus test mission (MLRS as SSM or SAM)
* New mma_galactica.astro412 Galactica Mod units test mission, including tractor bean
* mma_test_nuke_addon.Takistan test mission modified including fallout console
J.S.R.S. Sounds Redeployment Systems repatché
Auteur: LordJarhead
Site web: Facebook
Exige: J.S.R.S. RC 1.0, Patch 1.0 to 1.1 for J.S.R.S
Second patch pour le mod J.S.R.S. qui corrigent de nouveau des bugs et ajoute aussi des nouveaux son.
Changelog complet:
Patch v1.2 12/12/2010
Fixed: Environment Config
Fixed: Explosions Config
Fixed: Radiochatter Config
Fixed: 2A14 Config
Fixed: GBU12_A10 Config
Fixed: GBU12_Av8 Config
Fixed: MRLS Config
Fixed: Charge Config
Fixed: Grenade Config
Fixed: Smoke Config
Reworked: MRLS Sounds
Reworked: Abrams Sounds/ConfigE
Reworked: Mi17 Config
Reworked: AH64 Config
Reworked: AH64E Config
Reworked: A10 Config
Reworked: Explosions Small Sounds
Reworked: Radiochatter Sounds
Added: URAL Sounds
Added: MTVR Sounds
Added: M270 Sounds
Added: UH1H Config
Added: C130J Config/Sounds
Added: C130JE Config
Added: AN2 Sounds
Added: XM8 for PMC Config
Added: Radiochatter for BAF
J.S.R.S. Sounds Redeployment Systems patché
Auteur: LordJarhead
Site web: Facebook
Exige: J.S.R.S. RC 1.0
Premier patch pour le mod J.S.R.S. qui corrigent quelques bugs et ajoute des nouveaux son.
Changelog complet:
Patch v1.1 12/07/2010
————————————Fixed: Missing Bullethits
Fixed: Missing WaterstepsFixed: Missing Swimsounds
Fixed: FFAR/Hydra configFixed: M110 Config Fixed: T72 Config
Fixed: SCAR H Config
Fixed: SCAR L Config
Fixed: Environment Config
Fixed: Explosions Config
Fixed: Radiochatter Config
Reworked: AKM Config
Reworked: AK47 Config
Reworked: AK107 Config
Reworked: AK74 Config
Reworked: AKS74 Config
Reworked: AKSU74 Config
Reworked: BIZON Config
Reworked: CZ500 Config
Reworked: G36A Config
Reworked: G36C Config
Reworked: G36K Config
Reworked: G36MG Config
Reworked: LeeEnfield Config
Reworked: M4A1 Config
Reworked: M4A3 Config
Reworked: M4AIM Config
Reworked: M4RCO Config
Reworked: M14 Config
Reworked: M40 Config
Reworked: M110 Config
Reworked: M240 Config
Reworked: M249 Config
Reworked: MK48 Config
Reworked: RPK Config
Reworked: PKM Config
Reworked: SA58 Config
Reworked: SCAR_H Config
Reworked: SCAR_L Config
Reworked: M2HMG Config
Reworked: DSHK Config
Reworked: AK74GL Config
Reworked: DMR Config
Reworked: Glock17 Config
Reworked: M4SD Config
Reworked: M9 Config
Reworked: M9_SD Config
Reworked: M24 Config
Reworked: M107 Config
Reworked: M230 Config
Reworked: M240COAX Config
Reworked: PKT COAX Config
Reworked: MP5 Config
Reworked: MP5_SD Config
Reworked: PM Config
Reworked: SA58 Config
Reworked: SPR Config
Reworked: STINGER Config
Reworked: STRELA Config
Reworked: SVD Config
Reworked: SVD_Camo Config
Reworked: YakB Config
Reworked: BulletBys
Reworked: M240 COAX Sounds
Reworked: PKT COAX Sounds
Reworked: MRLS Sounds
Reworked: Abrams Config
Reworked: BMP Config
Reworked: T72 Config
Reworked: AAVP Config
Reworked: Mi17 Config
Reworked: AH64 Config
Reworked: MH60 Config
Reworked: STRYKER Config
Reworked: LAV25 Config
Added: XM8 Sounds————————————
Island Lingor
Auteur: IceBreakr
Site web:
Exige: ArmA 2, Afrique du feuillage, Bâtiments MBG 2, Ibr Plants
IceBreakr présente sa nouvelle île, après Isla Panthera, Isla Duala, Isla Groove c’est Isla Lingor, une map de type jungle. Un écrin de verdure dans un pays fictif qui pourrai se situer quelque part autour de l’équateur, cette île est inspiré de pays tel que la Colombie ou Vezuela
Lingor Island v1.0
Armaholic (164 MB) (164 MB) (164 MB)
Invasion 1944 sur ArmA2!
Auteur: Invasion 1944
Site web:
Exige: ARMA2 v1.08
L’équipe d’Invasion 1944, viens de sortir leur mod de la seconde guerre mondiale sur Arma 2. Attention, les devs préviennent qu’Invasion 1944 se charge bien avec Combined Operations, mais ne peuvent pas garantir que cela fonctionne correctement, pour une utilisation stable et garantie préférer Arma 2 seul. Il réglerons le problème avec un prochain patch. Noter aussi qu’il ne fonctionnera pas du tout avec Operation Arrowhead.
Voici le contenu de la modification
German, British and US ground forces – (Heer and FsJ for the Germans), (British Commandos), and (Army and Rangers for the Americans).
15+ infantry weaponsVehicles
20+ German vehicles – including tanks, recon vehicles and troop carriers.
10+ Allied vehicles – including tanks, recon vehicles, troop carriers and landing craft.Aircraft
P-51, C47 & Bf109Amphibious
LCM and LCVP landing craftMissions
7 MP Missions
5 SP MissionsSoundtrack
Over 30 minutes of original music by SFGOther
Ambient Environment objects – ships and aircraft for atmospheric purposes, not actually playable. (813MB)
Blackwater France Team (813MB)
Invasion 1944 v2.1 Hotfix (v 2.1) (290 MB)
Invasion 1944 v2.2 Hotfix (v 2.2) (111 MB)
DAC_Sounds fix (3.84 MB)
AddonSync2009 passe en version v1.0.67
![Image hosted by](
Yoma viens de rendre publique la dernière version de son AddonSync2009, c’est téléchargeable ici ou ici en version compressé.
• Bug #14326: Crashes upon completion of downloads
• Bug #14327: Crashes during deleting files
• Bug #14426: Clicking download, cancel and afterwards again download did no longer work.
• Bug #14427: Crash opportunity in CalcMD5 function.
• Feature #14461: Rework of extra file delete dialogue.